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  • 🦸🏽‍♀️Turning panic into purpose

🦸🏽‍♀️Turning panic into purpose

Struggling with the U.S. election results? Consider these resources for Canadian news consumers and journalists to stay engaged and make a positive impact in their communities.

You know that feeling of impending doom you or your friends and family have been struggling to describe since you heard the U.S. election results? Maybe, like me, you’ve been pushing that feeling away with quiet anger and avoidance.

Of course, it’s also possible you haven’t felt much at all, either because you’ve successfully blocked it out or you’re one of the people who doesn’t see the harm in recent events and the effect it can have on life in Canada. But some of the people close to me have been struggling to describe a similar feeling. Two people, independent of each other, told me how they’ve been feeling “disembodied,” like they are not on the ground, even when they’re standing up.

What follows is a feeling of panic. Hyper-vigilance. Rushing from one thing to the next, with no breaks in between, as if we fell behind along the way and we’re stuck in a loop endlessly trying to catch up. This feeling of panic, I can understand. When things go wrong, we want to fix them as soon as possible. But what do we do when there are so many things wrong that we feel helpless to do anything about it?

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